

To learn everything about each product: history, varieties, elaboration, nutritional facts, culinary uses ... and to enjoy after with the guided tasting.

>> Click on the dates indicated in the calendar to view scheduled activities.

Chocolate Tasting workshop

Fotografía: Meghan O'Malley

Origins, varieties of cocoa and percentages. We will verify the influence of these parameters in the sensory characteristics of several chocolates.
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Beer tasting & workshop

Photograh: Meghan O'Malley

8 different beers with different styles and from different countries, in a tasting guided by our expert.
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Artisanal Cheese tasting & workshop

Cheese history, cultural aspects, characteristics and differences between artisanal and industrial elaboration, ingredients, varieties, specific flavours and textures, nutritional value...
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Special course: All about cheese

A complete vision of the vast universe of cheese: varieties, the sensory slope and the pairing options.
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Hams of the world

The ham of the world in a degustation.
To taste the sensory differences and to learn the particularities of their elaboration.
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Iberian Ham Tasting & pairing workshop

Monographic session around the spanish jewel of gastronomy.
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EVOO tasting & workshop

Our expert will guide you through the tasting of 12 extra virgin olive oils from different denominations of origin, national and imported (from France, Italy, Portugal and Greece), as well as several extra virgin oils from different olive varieties: Arbequina, Arbosana, Manzanilla Cacereña, Cornicabra, Hojiblanca, Carrasqueña, Picual, Millarenca, …
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Olives tasting

A unique opportuniy to learn about origin, varieties, characteristics, nutritional aspects, how to prepare them, recipes ... everything related with olives, queens of appetizers.
Different, funny and delicious.
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Tasting premium waters from 5 continents

Premium or liuxury waters are trendy now.
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Salts Tasting & workshop

This workshop is perfect to learn to estimate and to differentiate the different qualities and varieties nowadays available on the markets, and some of them, coming from far exotic landscapes.
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Smoked & salted products. Workshop and tasting.

Enjoying with the degustation, you will also learn the most advisable combinations with different types of bread, aromatic herbs, sauces and alcoholic drinks (vodka, beer, wines).
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Bread tasting

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Coffee tasting & workshop

¿How to select a good coffee?
The session is completed with a review of concepts related to the coffee varieties their characteristics and a guided tasting of different coffees
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Hot & spicy sauces

Para disfrutar del picante con una experiencia única, a través de todos tus sentidos.
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Exotic fruits tasting & workshop

Drupas o frutas de hueso, pomos o frutos de pepita, bayas, frutos carnosos y frutos con cáscara…
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Caviar tasting

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Edible flowers and herbs tasting

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Tea tasting

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